Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Where does the time go?
I've been going through our baby's videos and I can't even believe how fast 7 months has passed. He was so tiny and now he's growing more every day. I am excited for him to meet all his new milestones like talking and walking so I don't reminice much but it was a reminder to enjoy every minute with him.
Another thing about time when you are on mat leave is how much of it you have and don't have. To go out takes about an hour to get the baby ready, the dogs fed or let out, get myself ready, it's crazy. Then the rare moments I have to myself I have to decide is it worth doing something like shower or sleep. Sleep usually wins.
Which leads me to why can't I sleep lately? What's up with that? We just went through a 3 week cold and teething period with Kaelan and I was back to sleeping for an hour then up with him and now that the cold is gone and the teething subsided I can't seem to get any good rest. Ugh so frustrating, then I lie in bed thinking of my to do list and then it's no use to sleep. So here I sit typing about it. lol
I think tomorrow I will try and get some exercise so I tucker myself out by night time and see if that helps.
Now if this silly cold I have will just go away! :)
